Sunday 16 December 2012

Doom 3: BFG Edition

Ahhhh Doom, id software's big number from back in the 2.5D era, and one of the big games that everyone still remembers...well if you weren't a spod when everyone else was playing this masterpiece, and now id has brought out the BFG edition to make my trousers tight and my journalistic gonads churn with anticipation.

So then, we step back in to the very comfortable boots of the "Doomguy" to wade through the legions of demons that stand between you and the Cyberdemon....and of course there is doom 2 and 3, so yeah it's pretty good.

Okay, so then, the original Doom, Doom 2 and Doom 3, along with the expansions and also a couple of extra levels for the original 2 games to pad the game out a little...that and get you some interesting stuff for completing those levels (Xbox is what I got it for, so avatar stuff for me!)

Doom 3 now actually handles with common sense, for those amongst us who never played the original Doom 3, I refer to the fact that you couldn't use a gun and a torch at the same time, I like the fact that I can have a torch when I am shooting at a guy....though I would have enjoyed having a rifle sight aswell, but thats just me.

 So then, there isn't much that needs to be said about the original Doom games, you ran, you killed, you got to the end of the level and moved on, getting progressively bigger weapons and going up against progressively badder asses.

Doom 3 wasn't really changed either, you get the flashlight mounting on your body armour, you still can't aim down the barrel of the gun to allow for more accurate fire, but that's just a little nit pick of mine, and to be fair it doesn't really change all that much.

Pros and Cons.

-It's Doom.
-I missed old fashioned shooting games
-I can carry around more than 2 guns...which is nice

-Oh god the pixels....

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