Monday 2 February 2015

Wasteland 2

Welcome children! It is I! Your lord and master! Here to guide you through the dregs and detritus that has been spewed out on to the internet and in to our shops, things that make us feel that all hope for originality and inventiveness has been lost to the Warp.... But fear not! I bring glad tidings for I am filled with glorious purpose!

In all honesty I've been away doing many things that meant that a few things suffered in response to that, so I'm back! Permanently I hope as I will be doing a review every two weeks, but I am going to start with Wasteland 2, a game I picked up because it had a giant mecha scorpion on the Steam page.

I did not say that in jest.

First of all, when I started Wasteland 2, I had just come off a Fallout (Original top down view game) binge, which might be why I liked this game so much, that and this game is one of those titles that I am probably going to be spending a lot of time on.

So when you begin Wasteland 2, you can either pick from a group of characters that have been pre-made, or you can create your own characters, the latter of which is what I chose to do in this game, mainly because I liked the idea of my 70 year old primary school teacher Mrs Mullins beating a man to death with her bare hands.

Now! With Mrs Mullins and her group of hoodlums ready I began! And promptly watched a cut-scene of a man being buried. 

Usually I hate watching cut-scenes in games, mainly because it sounds like a group of amateur dramatics students trying to do a rendition of Othello, but this one actually went quite well, mainly because I was impressed that people still put live action cut-scene's in games.....and the speaker had a voice like golden syrup.

Wasteland 2 is a CRPG in the old style of CRPG games, meaning that not everything that you touch in this game is going to end well, like when I touched a can and a goat head butted Mrs Mullins, so remember that.

Having left Fucknuckle the goat and his hoard of hairy minions behind I emerged blinking in to the outside world and began walking to my first point of interest.

The outside world in Wasteland 2 is mean and nasty, and if you begin walking stock up on water and remember where all of the oasis' are otherwise you will die a horrible death. However, the map that you are wandering through is genuinely beautiful in it's own way.

Also there are radiation spots that are in the map, so I'd recommend avoiding them.

The combat is nicely fluid and works very well, it feels somewhat like a mixture of Company of Heroes and X-COM so you have to move your troops around to flank the enemy and try to avoid eating a bullet or twenty as they try to do the same.

The conversation window feels very reminiscent of Fallout which is always a good thing, you can type your own questions down which is always appreciated because it adds that level of immersion as far as I am concerned.

I can't really say more without delving in to how good and seamless the storyline is, because I want to keep spoilers out of this, and I want you to play this game and say what you think about it.


-Seamless Combat
-Dialogue tree's are nicely done and well voice acted
-Feels a lot like Fallout 1 and 2
-The AI keeps you on your toes.


-Voice acting whilst good can be a bit over the top.
-If missing targets in X-COM annoys you then this will also annoy you.

Other games similar to this that you may like.

-Banner Saga.