Saturday 17 August 2013


Harken to me peons and peasants, it is I, your God and master who has returned from the perils of the warp to lead you further as your God-Emperor, further in to this great and terrible time we call the future.

*Ahem*, now that I have that out of the way, here's my review on Judge Dredd.

Now then, if you haven't seen this film yet, you and I are going to fall out very fucking quickly, because I like this film, this film brought me out of the depressing haze of Iron Man 3 and certain sections of The Avengers (Yes it was a pretty good film, but if you try and tell me that S.H.I.E.L.D.  Was accurately depicted there then I am going to come around to your house and piss behind your sofa and put piri piri sauce on your toilet seat.)

So then, in this film we step in to the bullet ridden boots and pipe dented helmet of Judge Dredd in Mega City-One, whilst on a regular day in the job.

Before I go any further in to this review I want to tell people who are die-hard Dredd fans that they may not like this, but I liked this because of some of the slight differences between this Dredd-U and the regular Dredd-U, because it actually makes the city of Mega City-One feel more dilapidated and getting fucked up.

First of all, there is no Psy-division in this universe, Judge Anderson is pretty much a fuck up of a judge who is being given her last chance at becoming one because she is the most powerful psychic in the city and the chief judges have decided that they need her.....not sure why, the use of say for example Judge Rico (The clone of Dredd not his Brother), might have been a little bit better and would have made it a little more exciting.

Now then, Peach Trees is a self contained city come sky scraper which is being controlled by Ma-Ma and her gang, when she kills 3 people who were selling drugs on her turf she skins them alive and throws them over the balcony using Slo-Mo (I'll come back to that later), whereupon Aderson chooses that they go there and begin her testing.

From there things go from relatively alright from a judge's point of view to worse, to fucked over a bramble patch when the entirety of the city decends upon them like vultures upon a carcass, or rugby fans at the pub.

The technical aspects of this film and camera aspects of this piece are absolutely beautiful, and that is me being genuinely serious, the use of Slo-Mo is something that I have been wanting to see something similar to in a film for some time, the scene slows down, the colours become so much more vivid and even when a bullet slaps through someones' cranium it looks genuinley balletic.

Ma-Ma is quite a good villain, and is someone that I enjoyed watching just to see what she would do next to try and kill the judges, and the use of an old plot point from the Judge Dredd comics was a really nice twist I can imagine that some people who don't read comic's or Dredd were surprised to see that.

Overall I think that this film was an awful lot better than the Sly Stallone one, but I think that trapping my bollocks in a vice would be better than that.

Points of Good :

-Dredd doesn't take off his helmet 
-The difference in aesthetics of the costumes looks a lot better than the regular Dredd uniform.
-The Lawgiver handgun actually looks a lot more brutal and intimidating than the original Lawgiver, but also looks like it could work in reality compared to the Mk 2.

Points of Bad :
-Lawmaster looks a tad stupid compared to the comic version.
-I don't like Olivia Thrilby's acting in this film but that might just be me.
-Would have been good if they would have actually used more Judges and gone more in to the laws but hey, if you people will go out and buy the DVD's then maybe we can get a sequel out of this.

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