Tuesday 16 October 2012

Game Of Thrones

If you haven't got the first season of Game of Thrones on DVD go and buy it now.

I'm being serious, minimize this post (I won't mind), go out, buy it and watch it...actually close this post because the episodes are about an hour long each and you don't want the electric bill running up that high and I don't want you people bitching at me.

So then, Game of Thrones season 1 is based of the best selling novel "A song of ice and fire" by George R.R. Martin, and details the conflicts, diplomacy and general backstabbing in the land of Westeros and surrounding areas as they vie for power, territory and sex.....And no I am not joking about the sex part.

One of the first things you will notice from the very first episode is that, there are lots of characters, don't worry about keeping up with their names at first, you'll soon start remembering them because each character has a decent amount of screen time and is very well rounded with personality, flaws and great characteristics.

For those of you with some knowledge of England during the Medieval period and era slightly before, Game of Thrones might look slightly familiar, and by slightly familiar, I mean it looks like someone decided to make 'Medieval England the drama', even stuff like "The Wall" which keeps out the White Walkers, reminds me of Hadrians Wall with a Hollywood twist

Apart from the huge assortment of characters, that is not really much of a bad point because the length of the first season alone you will allow you to get used to the different characters and figure out their motivations and what they want to do in their own personal spheres of influence.

The camera work and plot direction are also fantastic as it actually makes you feel rather engaged with what is going on and the plot arcs also draw you in so that the scenarios and scenes don't feel bland or monotonous, which with a cast this big and a place as big as Westeros to put your characters in is always a good thing.

Character development in any series is always crucial, and Game of Thrones is no different, though I imagine that because the series is based off the books, the producers and writers can sigh deeply because it is already written down for them, although I've never read the books so they could have changed most of the back stories for all of the characters and I would be completely unaware.

All in all, Game of Thrones is a fantastic series and one that I would thoroughly recommend anyone who enjoys; Drama, intruige, sex, violence, politcal drama, backstabbing, sex and medieval style dramas.
I would also recommend it to anyone who enjoys watching HBO drama's because from the startling highs of Oz, The Wire, Rome and Deadwood comes another entry to that list.

Final Statement Review 

-Wide variety of characters
-Believable Motivations
-Interesting plot and character arcs
-Beautiful set designs

-Too many people at the beginning to really get to grips with unless you are watching it on DVD and it has your full attention
-Certain characters who begin annoying will soon grow to grate quite harshly

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