Monday 29 October 2012

Resident Evil 6 : Leon's Campaign

I remember playing Resident Evil 2 when I was in Primary school one halloween and I vivdly remember not being able to sleep or keep my bowels and urinary tract from staying in a position that wouldn't require that I sit on the toilet for something like 3 days.

 So then, Resident Evil 6, a game where the logo looks like a Giraffe getting a blowjob (Look carefully and you will see it plain as day, and then never be able to unsee it) a game which has a terrific gaming pedigree but will that grandure come out in this game?

In short, sort of.

The long answer is that Leon's campaign is very good in terms of storyline and pacing, going back to the roots of Resident Evil, but the rest of the game (Which will be in my next review) is lackluster, mediocre and slightly annoying.

So then here is the review of Leon and Helena's campaign, the one campaign that actually feels like a survival horror game in a game that is supposed to be a survival horror franchise, I personally feel that Capcom should drop the Resident Evil franchise and start a fresh, namely because I feel that Capcom are flogging a dead horse and should really just start a fresh before their rut gets any deeper.
You play as one of these 2
Leon's campaign feels very smooth and well written (as well as a Capcom game can be written anyway), and plays the tension in the game very well, by doing the same thing that made it great in it's earlier, less convaluted outings into the world of video gaming.

Leon's campaign uses tension very well in this campaign, (Until the graveyard but baby steps here) moving through the game actually feels quite daunting, unlike in Resi 5 where it felt quite easy, and due to the lack of ammo spread around the levels, you actually feel like this is not a 3rd person shooting game, but actually something that you have to SURVIVE.

The usage of zombies however was less expertly handled, not that I am saying that there were too many, but, if they had given me more ammo then it would have been fine, or if they had reduced the amount of zombies to make the game more of a psychological survival horror, then that would have been fine, but leaving you with no ammo, 5 zombies and Leon's slightly chunky 'can-can-kick' was a bowel movement extroadinare.

Now I understand better than most people what the survival horror genre requires of me, it required me to think, conserve ammo, don't get hurt and most importantly, piss myself in a corner if things get too hectic, but not giving us any sign in a boss battle that we aren't meant to try and kill them yet, or we are supposed to do something is not good design work because we spend about 15 minutes trying to hurt the big bastard of the level, only to find out that we were meant to run down an alley instead of wasting all of our ammunition.

I also prefer Helena as a character to Piers, Sheva or Sherry Birkin, namely because of the fact that during my playthroughs of all the numbered resident evil games, and having had a 'friend' along for the ride in those games, Helena was found to be the best companion I have ever had because she NEVER WALKED OUT IN FRONT OF MY FIRING LINE OR GOT IN MY FUCKING WAY.

But I digress, the combat felt very streamlined, the ability to move and shoot at the same time is very nicely handled, as is the ability to do combat roles and sprint, and when you hold the left trigger whilst sprinting you perform a nice slide which you can use to set up your targets in interesting ways.

So, in conclusion, Resident Evil 6: Leon's campaign is an above average shooter but it is let down by some bad design work, not being told what to do or whether a boss fight is an actual boss fight.

In conclusion, Pros and Cons.


-Good mechanics for shooting, and the movement controls are quite nicely streamlined to make it feel like you are a special agent.
-Weapons handle and feel like real weapons, unlike how weapons have had a tendency to feel when playing other resident evil games


-The story isn't exactly stellar, and to be fair I could see the plot twist in Leon's campaign and in terms of Ada from about 25 minutes into the storyline.
-I still maintain that having a partner doesn't exactly help with the whole 'Survival Horror' stuff, because I felt that having a secong person there made all the puzzles (If you could call them that) arbitratry, and the horror element was diminished.

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-Resident Evil 4
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