Friday 2 November 2012

Resident Evil 6

I liked Leon S Kennedy's campaign in Resident Evil 6.

I absolutely abhore sections of the rest of the game, including the other campaigns and the writing.

So then, after the Leon S. Kennedy review that I published yesterday on this site, I decided that I should continue from there and outline my thoughts on what Resident Evil 6 did badly after the fairly decent campaign that was Leons.

First things first, the story, Leon's was very well written and actually felt like a call back to the old Resident Evil series of games (I.E. like resident evil 1,2 or 3), whereas, in Chris' campaign the story was lackluster, and was more akin to a 3rd person zombie call of duty game with dodgy dialogue and ridiculous bosses that genuinely made me laugh when I looked at them...not that I didn't do that in Leon's campaign because Capcom still cant get around the need to make everything bigger, like the ballet dinosaur.

Jake's story was a bit contrived, it was the general pastiche of "Here is character A, only he can help us to save the world!" which always makes me nauseous because of the lack of creative design that the writers for games have nowadays, that and the main bad guy who was made out to be like Nemesis from Resident Evil 3, wasn't scary in the slightest, he was just annoying, over the top and in dire need of killing off half way through to bring in something else that was hard as nails...maybe his goatee sporting brother perhaps?

Carrying on from the storyline we have characterisation, something that this game tried to do for its characters in these campaigns and failed to do, namely because people, like me, who had played Resident Evil games previous to this, understood the characters, and also what these people did.

Coming in first, Chris Redfield and his life partner Piers, Chris is a former member of the Raccoon police department S.T.A.R.S. team, but is currently working for the B.S.A.A. to put down bioweapons and stop bioterrorism, something that he has apparently forgotten by this 6th installment as he attempts to channel Nicholas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas, which means that all the characterisation that they put into the man is now least he looks relatively feasable as a human being now though
Yeah, he looked like a man who had started smuggling melons in his arms.
Piers seemed to me to be a smart and down to earth character, a man who had a slight amount of hero worship over Chris, but wasn't afraid to tell him his opinion which was something that I liked when I was playing through the game and Chris was being an idiot.

Jake is very well characterised, I like him mainly because he feels like an actual human being compared to all of the usual protagonists we get in games who save the world because it's right.
Not for Jake, he has his priorities sorted out, because even if he does save the world, he needs to get paid afterwards, namely because of the fact that you cant buy chinese take out on your reputation....unless you're Wilson Fisk I suppose.

Sherry Birkin was a nice addition to the game because I haven't heard anything about her since Resi 2.

Okay, so I've covered the characters and their storylines, now lets move on to the things that annoyed me, the plot related set pieces, I.E. the point where I was playing as Jake, and the helicopter I was in was getting trashed as was beginning to head towards the ground quicker than a hookers knickers. At which point the guy in the helicopter with me said "Jump to the other chopper!" now then, in a chinook, side by side with another chinook, both of which are level, jumping between one and the other would be DAMN NEAR FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE EVEN IF YOU WERE ON THE FUCKING GROUND AND STATIONARY NOT IN A MOVING HELICOPTER ABOVER A 500 FOOT DROP!

Okay, whilst that is only one example, I remember there being more, but they have obviously been blanked from my mind, thank you for reading this watch for my next review.

In conclusion


-The game still had the same gameplay and streamlined controls
-Weapons felt like they did some hefty damage and were actually useful


-Set Pieces
-Certain voice acting segments grate
- Storylines become annoying because of their obviousness

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